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You can view or pay your account online. You first need to register at  When you register you need your municipality code (NWMeadowmeerWater) and must have your billing statement at hand, as information from that invoice will need to be entered exactly as it is displayed on the billing statement. 


Payments made with a credit card will have a service fee.  The service fee is a graduating fee of $3.00 per $100.00 increment of payment, e.g., if the bill you are paying is up to $100, the fee will be $3.00.  If the bill you are paying is $100 to $200, the fee will be $6.00, etc.


 You or your bank should now send payments directly to Northwest Water Service at


Meadowmeer Water Service Association (MWSA)

P. O. Box 123

Pt. Orchard, WA  98366 


Please update your bank or banking software



  • The shareholder is responsible for the cost of any water delivered through their service connection. Shareholders with rental units served by MWSA can request that billing be sent to the tenants.   Shareholders will be held responsible for payment of outstanding balances past three months due.


  • Payment for water service is due by the end of the following month.  Overdue notices and late fees are as follows:



$84 base rate includes 1600 cubit feet.

$1.50 per 100 CuFt 1601-2600

$2.24 per 100 CuFt 2601-4000

$3.74 per 100 CuFt 4001-6000

$7.48 per 100 CuFt 6001 and greater




• 30 days (current) past due – No late fee w/ a 'past due' stamp

• 90 days past due (over 30)- A $10 late fee is assessed 


• 150 days past due (over 60) – A $20 late fee is assessed 


• 180 days past due (over 90) - $40 late fee & pending Service Suspension Notice, followed by a final notice after due date.




  • Billing discrepancies under $100 will be handled at the discretion of the Board.


  • Bill disputes caused by a water leak within the Shareholders portion of the system will be resolved as follows following receipt of a letter from the Shareholder requesting resolution within two billing cycles (4 months):


  • If water leak is fixed and/or secured as soon as practicable after notification MWSA will reduce the bill by eliminating water charges in the top block affected by the leak.

  • Water leak quantity will be determined by analysis of the meter readings and past usage including annual peak usage. If water leak is not fixed in a timely manner, no reduction in the water bill will be given.

  • Only one billing resolution resulting in partial forgiveness of a water bill will be allowed within a 24 month period, or at the discretion of the Board.

Sign Up to Receive Water Service News and Updates

Thanks for signing up! We will not share your data.


For Emergencies and System Questions: 

KPUD 360-779-7656

Billing and Share Questions: 360-876-0958

Meadowmeer Water Service Association
P.O. Box 10483
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110

Copyright Meadowmeer Water Service Association 2020  |  Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | Website Design By Peter James Web Design Studio 

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